Superior Councils

 The Superior Councils are decision-making bodies of the University superior administration. The Councils’ Executive Office is responsible for the support to the Superior Councils.

Click on the documents of the Superior Councils.


The University Council (“Consun”) is the highest decision-making body at FURG aimed to establish the University policy and to work as an appealing body in the decisions made by the Council for Teaching, Research, Extension and Administration (“Coepea”) in the first and single instance.

The University Council is composed by:
- the Rector, as the President;
- the Vice-Rector, as the Vice-President;
- representatives of academic units;
- representatives of professors;
- representatives of staff;
- representatives of undergraduate students;
- representatives of graduate students;
- representatives of the society.

The last ex-Rector who had fully accomplished its mandate is also a member of the University Council. The representatives have a two-year mandate. The representatives of the Society are indicated by the University-Society Integration Council.


The Council for Teaching, Research, Extension and Administration (Coepea) is the highest decision-making body concerning administration, didactic-scientific, technological and cultural issues, aiming to assure the full functioning and development of teaching, research and extension.

Coepea is structured in chambers, according to the provisions of FURG’s Internal Rules of Procedures. The chambers are theme-based deliberative bodies, composed of the Coordinators of the Undergraduate and stricto sensu Graduate Programs, Pro-Rectors, and Directors of the campuses of Santo Antônio da Patrulha, Santa Vitória do Palmar, and São Lourenço do Sul.

The Council for Teaching, Research, Extension and Administration is composed by:
- the Rector, as the President;
- the Vice-Rector, as the Vice-President;
- the Pro-Rectors;
- Heads of Academic Units;
- 01 (one) chosen representative among the members of each board;
- representatives of professors;
- representatives of administration and staff;
- representatives of undergraduate students;
- representatives of graduate students.

The ways to choose the representatives, as well as its proportion, are defined by the University Internal Rules of Procedures.

Contact the Councils’ Executive Office

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