Civil Construction Support Service

The Civil Construction Support Service (“SAsCC”) is an extension project of the FURG Engineering School that, since 1982, has been developing actions to support civil constructions for low-income families or NGOs.

Putting together the technical knowledge and academic expertise, SAsCC is a consolidated extension activity which allows a high-quality service to the population. It helps in the regional development and in the extended formation of the students who take part in the project.

Services offered

Popular Housing Project

SAsCC offers land assessment of the property, development of the program requirements for the construction planning, and the engineering and architecture projects for buildings up to 80m2 without slab.

Usucaptio Projects

The Project includes the land assessment and gives the technical opinion so that a legal process might be started in the Public Defenses of the State or Union.

Property Regularization Project

The service includes the property assessment, engineering design, technical report and documentation to the Rio Grande City Hall for the regularization of properties up to 150 m² of built area.

Special Projects

These are projects not fitting in any other services offered, such as: division agreement, accessibility projects, fire prevention and protection, pathologies analysis, among others.

Requirements to request a Project

- Proof of income of no more than three minimum salaries
- Proof of property ownership, for new building projects
- Proof of paid IPTU (tax), for new building projects

Where is the office?

The Civil Construction Support Service is located at Campus Carreiros, next to Building 2. Get the location.

Contact the Civil Construction Support Service

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