Students Affairs


1. How do I find out in which classroom I have classes?

To find out what the classrooms are, you can issue a proof of enrollment via Sistemas FURG.

2. Where do I find studies published at FURG?

To access the studies published at FURG, you can access the University’s Scientific News Portal.

3. Does FURG offer any assistance? What type? Who is eligible to apply?

The University offers assistance such as: transportation, food, permanence aid, child support (former preschool aid) and student housing, according to the specificity of each campus. To request any assistance, you must participate in the call for inclusion, exclusively via Sistemas FURG, and have the criteria established in the Pro-Rectory of Student Affairs’ rules.

4. Is there a University Student House at FURG? How does it work?

The University offers Student housing. It is intended exclusively for the students from other cities or from areas difficult to reach by means of proof of residence showing that you do not have viable ways of commuting to the cities of Rio Grande, São Lourenço do Sul, Santo Antônio da Patrulha and Santa Vitória do Palmar, and only for those who demonstrate socioeconomic vulnerability and who are not benefited by the Free Pass Law (State Law 14.307/2013).

5. Does FURG have an incubator?

Yes, Innovatio is FURG's technology-based incubator. It has the purpose of structuring the incubation process of technology-based companies with the development of the entrepreneurial culture. It is also in charge of supporting technology-based entrepreneurs in the pre-incubation, incubation and post-incubation phases, thus providing appropriate environment and operating conditions.

6. Is there any University Restaurant at FURG? Who can use it?

FURG has three University Restaurants: RU I, RU II and RU CCMar. The University Restaurants I and II are located at Carreiros Campus. The RU CCMar is in the Health Center. The campuses of São Lourenço do Sul, Santo Antônio da Patrulha and Santa Vitória do Palmar do not have any University Restaurant yet. Students, professors, staff and the outside community can use FURG’s University restaurants. For groups outside the University, we request an advance notice that can be made by the e-mail or by telephone (53) 3237-3028.

7. How much is it in the University Restaurant? Who is exempt from the fare? Who may receive food assistance?

In FURG’s University Restaurants, all FURG students are entitled to the universal allowance and pay BRL$ 3.00 (Brazilian Real). Students with socioeconomic vulnerability granted by the Student Assistance Call may be subsidized partially (paying BRL$ 1.50) or fully (not paying). For other users, the fare is BRL$ 8.80. The user has the right to choose a type of protein (animal or vegetable), a fruit and a glass of juice. Water and other buffet items are unrestricted. In addition to lunch and dinner, in the RU II there is breakfast for the entire community for BRL$ 3.76. In this case, only students from the University Student House are subsidized integrally. In this meal, the user is offered bread with cheese and ham or bread with jam, a glass of plain coffee or coffee with milk, and a fruit.

8. Where do I look for the RU menu?

You can access the menu on the University Restaurant's webpage.

9. I have a criticism or suggestion about the RUs, how can I get in touch?

Criticism and suggestions about the University Restaurants shall be made by the e-mail nutrition or by telephone (53) 3237-3028.

10. What is ENADE? Is it mandatory?

National Student Performance Exam is an evaluation of the National System of Higher Education Assessment and aims to evaluate the quality of Higher Education in Brazil. For selected students who are finishing graduate courses, participation in the exam is mandatory and the academic transcript is issued only under that condition.

11. Does FURG have end of year recess?

The recess of academic activities is predicted in the University Calendar. For administrative activities, the end of year recess is at the discretion of the University management, being published as an Executive Act every year.