

1. Where are the libraries found at FURG?

FURG has 8 libraries, 1 central and 7 sectorial. You can access the location of each of them here:
Central Library
Sectorial Library of the Academic Health Area
Sectorial Library of Santa Vitória Campus do Palmar
Sectorial Library of Santo Antônio da Patrulha Campus
Sectorial Library of São Lourenço do Sul
Sectorial Library of the Oceanographic Museum
Sectorial Library Green Room Judith Cortesão
Sectorial Library for Graduate Studies in Oceanography

2. Where can I search the collection of books?

ARGO is the library administration system at FURG. There you can search the University’s collection of books.

3. How does book lending work?

FURG has two types of book lending: home and local. The home lending is intended for every University community, being indispensable the identification, that can be done by biometry, by inserting of photo in the ARGO system or showing a document with photo. The number of items to borrow and the time for return varies depending on the bond. The local lending is the modality used for reference works (dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlas, among others), which you are not allowed to take home but can be withdrawn from the Library for up to three hours. More information here.