Affirmative Actions

With affirmative actions and strategic decisions our University aims to offer an egalitarian environment to students so they can develop academic life in all its diversity. Intended to promote the democratization of admission and stay of students coming from public schools, indigenous, quilombolas and students with disabilities, FURG has created the Affirmative Actions Program. In this program, the University reaffirms its commitment with politics that contribute to decrease social and economic inequality by the following actions.

Specific Process for Admission in the University

In addition to the admission by the Unified Selection System (“Sisu”), indigenous and quilombola students are provided with a specific process that has an adequate pedagogical methodology to their community reality. The selection of degree programs to be offered in this specific admission process takes into account the demands of traditional communities. Therefore, FURG annually gathers with the leaderships and students from the indigenous and quilombola communities to choose together the ten courses that will be part of the selection.

The specific admission process is released in the communication channels of FURG and in the traditional communities through partnerships with the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), city halls, Palmares Foundation and other agencies. The exams are applied in different cities of the state of Rio Grande do Sul as a way to increase the university access opportunities.

Welcome Activities to Indigenous and Quilombola Students

Activities such as games, lunches and walks are made to integrate freshman and senior students and to show the University and the main places of the city. Also, FURG offers the Indigenous Student House as a strategy to facilitate the practices and customs of this ethnicity and to reinforce the meaning of collectivity.

Teaching Assistance for Indigenous and Quilombola Students

Indigenous and quilombola students have a tutor who is responsible for the assistance in their academic development. They can also count on students holding pedagogical support scholarships, who may assist them in organizing their study and help them with inclusion in many spaces of the university.

Basic Assistance

Aids and benefits are ensured for indigenous and quilombola students, such as guaranteed access to the University Student House, meals at the University Restaurant, transportation assistance, and childhood assistance for students who have children.

Social, Pedagogical and Psychological Assistance

Assistance with a multi-professional team is available concerning the specificities related to cultural and social aspects of students.

Assistance for Students with Disabilities

From the necessities that arise with the admission of people with disabilities, FURG implemented the Support Program to Students with Specific Needs. It is intended for people who have long term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments. Assistance by scholarship holders is also available and the granting of meal, housing, childhood and transportation aids are analyzed to promote full and active participation of students with disabilities in society with the same conditions as other students.

For more information, contact the Prae’s Coordination of Affirmative Actions by telephone number +55 (53) 3237-3033.

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